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1. 무료사이트!!!
2. 수준별 공부 가능
3. 간단한 문법소개와 퀴즈까지!
4. 짧지만 많은 자료
수준별 화면을 들어가시면
크게 주제를 언급하고 관련된 사진이 있습니다. 그리고 밑에는 재생 버튼이 있는데 이를 클릭하면 듣기가 가능합니다.
저는 오늘 Level3의 Saving Money에 대하여 공부했습니다~
해당 내용에 대한 스크립트도 있어서 잘 들리지 않는 부분은 참고 할 수도 있습니다.
밑에 본분은 전체 스크립트 내용입니다.
Meg: Hey, Todd. I was talking to your girlfriend and she seems really fit.
Todd: Yeah. She's very fit. It's kind of a problem actually.
Meg: Oh really? Why?
Todd: Well, she watches what she eats and she's very careful about the food she eats. So she doesn't eat meat, she doesn't eat fast food. She doesn't eat sugar. She doesn't drink coffee. So because she doesn't eat or drink all these foods, it's kind of hard if we go out to dinner or if I want to eat something because then I feel guilty.
Meg: Do you also not eat those foods?
Todd: No. Are you kidding? I mean, I always eat fast food and I love to eat sweets and stuff like that. So we both love exercise, right. So she exercises a lot. I exercise a lot. She exercises more than I do but yeah, the diet thing is kind of a hassle.
Meg: Hmm.
Todd: So what do you think I should do?
Meg: Maybe you should also try to be healthy because it sounds like a good idea.
Todd: Yeah, maybe. I'll give it a try. But the thing is, you know, she – there's one other problem. She eats five small meals a day, so never eats big meals. So we can't go to a restaurant and stuff like that. So it's just really hard to adjust. I mean, I love a big breakfast, you know. She never eats a big breakfast. She always eats these small little meals, so yeah.
Meg: Well maybe, you can cook at home together.
Todd: Maybe. Or maybe I should just get a new girlfriend.
Meg: Maybe. Good luck.
그리고 간단한 문법과 본문에 대한 퀴즈까지 있어서 영어듣기를 하고 내가 제대로 이해했는지에 대하여도 확인해 볼 수 있습니다.
들어보고 모르겠으면 다시 들어보고 그래도 안들리면 스크립트도 보고~
다시금 영어공부를 불태워봅니다 ㅎㅎ
영어공부도 다시 천천히 시작합니다.~~
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