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저는 오늘 Level3의 Adjectives에 대하여 공부했습니다~
해당 내용에 대한 스크립트도 있어서 잘 들리지 않는 부분은 참고 할 수도 있습니다.
밑에 본분은 전체 스크립트 내용입니다.
Todd: Abidemi, let's play the word association game.
Abidemi: Sure.
Todd: I say a word like big, and you say a word like-
Abidemi: Russia.
Todd: Exactly. Okay, because Russia is a big country. Okay, the next word. Small.
Abidemi: Ants.
Todd: Yes, ants are very small. Do you have ants in your house?
Abidemi: Thankfully, no.
Todd: Yeah, I no ants. I'm happy. Okay, next word. Interesting.
Abidemi: Foreign movies.
Todd: I would agree. Foreign movies are interesting. Boring.
Abidemi: Sleeping.
Todd: That's a good answer. For me, sleeping is relaxing. How about you? What's relaxing?
Abidemi: Listening to music.
Todd: Yeah, that's a good one. Okay, how about delicious?
Abidemi: Food.
Todd: And what food is delicious for you?
Abidemi: I love spicy food.
Todd: Such as?
Abidemi: Some Nigerian foods are spicy and Thai food is really spicy as well. I really love those.
Todd: Yeah, I don't like spicy food too much, but it's okay. Now, do you have a food that is not delicious for you?
Abidemi: I can't think of anything.
Todd: Everything's delicious?
Abidemi: Just about. Well, in combination with other things.
Todd: For me, I would say cooked carrots. I hate cooked carrots. They're not delicious.
Abidemi: I think of them as being healthy.
Todd: Yeah. Raw carrots, but not cooked carrots. Okay, back to the game. Okay, the next word. Old.
Abidemi: My grandmother.
Todd: Really? How old is your grandmother?
Abidemi: She's past 100 years old.
Todd: Really?
Abidemi: And she still walks and moves on her own.
Todd: Wow.
Abidemi: Yes.
Todd: So is she healthy?
Abidemi: She's very healthy. I like that.
Todd: Nice.
Abidemi: Yes.
Todd: Okay, the next word. Young.
Abidemi: My nieces are young. I have a two-year-old niece and an eight-year-old niece.
Todd: Okay, cool. Okay, next. Interesting.
Abidemi: Reading books. I love reading a lot.
Todd: Yeah, books are interesting. Are books more interesting than movies?
Abidemi: Good question. I would say yes.
Todd: Yeah, me too. What about boring? What's boring?
Abidemi: Doing nothing. Having nothing to do. I find that boring.
Todd: True, yeah. Okay, how about difficult?
Abidemi: Life can be difficult sometimes.
Todd: Yeah, life can be difficult. And easy? What's easy?
Abidemi: Nothing is easy.
Todd: Yeah, as they say, nothing is easy.
Abidemi: Nothing is easy.
Todd: So true. Okay, expensive.
Abidemi: Cars. Some cars are expensive.
Todd: Yeah, I think all cars are expensive, right? What about cheap, or inexpensive?
Abidemi: Books. Some books are cheap.
Todd: Yeah, these days. Do you read paper books or digital books?
Abidemi: I read digital books.
Todd: Yeah, digital books can be very cheap. Used books can be very cheap.
Abidemi: That's true.
Todd: I loved used books. Okay, last question is wonderful.
Abidemi: Life, even though it can be challenging, it's also wonderful.
Todd: I like it. It's difficult and wonderful. Thanks, Abidemi.
Abidemi: Thank you.
그리고 간단한 문법과 본문에 대한 퀴즈까지 있어서 영어듣기를 하고 내가 제대로 이해했는지에 대하여도 확인해 볼 수 있습니다.
들어보고 모르겠으면 다시 들어보고 그래도 안들리면 스크립트도 보고~
다시금 영어공부를 불태워봅니다 ㅎㅎ
영어공부도 다시 천천히 시작합니다.~~
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