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저는 오늘 Level3의 Winter Vacation에 대하여 공부했습니다~
해당 내용에 대한 스크립트도 있어서 잘 들리지 않는 부분은 참고 할 수도 있습니다.
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Winter Vacation
Akane and Howard talk about their winter vacations.
Akane's Vacation
Last year, I went to Portugal just after Christmas. And I stayed there until… well, just after New Year's this year. In Portugal, I met up with one of my friends from Toronto. He had family that lived in Portugal, because his family was originally from Portugal.
So, they were kind enough to let me stay with them. I didn’t know any Portuguese, except for some simple words like “hello”, and “thank you”. I learned some simple words through an audio CD, before I went there. And the people that I stayed with didn’t know very much English either. However, we got along surprisingly well.
They were surprised that I was able to eat some of their exotic foods. They made some delicious meals every single day, like octopus, tripe and rabbit. It is quite exotic, but I thought it was quite good. They also made some excellent desserts, like crème caramel, and a rich sponge cake that they call Paon d’lo.
Howard's Vacation
OK, now I'll talk about my winter vacation. This winter vacation I spent two weeks in my hometown which is Daytona Beach, Florida. It was wonderful. The weather was warm every day. It was sunny every day and the temperature was almost 80 degrees.
I visited my mother and I spent every morning having a nice leisurely cup of coffee and reading the newspaper and after that I got my bicycle out and and rode down to the beach and enjoyed the sun and the surf, and came back home and read a book and went to bed early.
I had a wonderful time. I saw a couple of new movies, when I was home in Florida. I saw The Aviator and also an interesting movie called Spanglish, which I hope you all can see because it's an interesting movie about English and the Spanish.
들어보고 모르겠으면 다시 들어보고 그래도 안들리면 스크립트도 보고~
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영어공부도 다시 천천히 시작합니다.~~
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